Utter Insanity at CornHuckIt Jam 2021

September 18th, 2021

Check This Out

Unadilla, NE

Why is it called Corn Huck It? Because the Jam consist of people hucking themselves, in a cornfield in Nebraska, at one of the wildest riding spots we have ever seen. CornHuckIt is a Jam that’s hosted every year by NoWear BMX, at their insane training compound that’s located in Unadilla, NE AKA where the middle of nowhere gets its name. NoWear has built an absolutely amazing training compound out here, and they allow anyone to come and shred for free to progress their skills. Shoutout to NoWear for that.

This was our first year attending the jam, but it seems like they have some new and crazy feature every year. This year, it was the biggest wallride that may have ever been built, and people got absolutely WILD on it! After the wallride the jam moved over to the “Mini Mega Ramp” (AKA the Freestyle Motocross kicker) and then to their indoor park, and we captured a little bit of it all in this edit.

Thanks for reading. See you out there.

Welcome to the family!
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